
July 9, 2012

Announcing Fluidinfo Tumblr integration

Filed under: Product — Neil Levine @ 10:45 pm

Scanning different services for interesting content is time-consuming. If you and your friends use multiple social networks, each with its own activity stream, it’s even harder. Fluidinfo can show you information aggregated from multiple social networks and help you discover trending hashtags and URLs.

Connection MenuToday we’ve added Tumblr to the list of services we integrate with. Connect your account and we’ll collect information about every hashtags or URL you’ve ever mentioned on Tumblr. Each hashtag and URL has its own page in Fluidinfo where you can see who has mentioned it and where, follow the hashtag or URL on Fluidinfo, and comment on it directly.

Linking your Tumblr account is easy. After logging in on Fluidinfo, select Connected services from the menu at the top right of the screen. On the connection page, select Connect Tumblr and approve the request to allow Fluidinfo to read your Tumblr posts.


Once we’ve scanned your Tumblr posts, you’ll see information about your posts attached as comments to hashtag and URL pages in Fluidinfo. Your timeline will show your mentions of hashtags and URLs on both Twitter and Tumblr. If you look at the Fluidinfo page for a hashtag, e.g., #nyc, you’ll see its mentions across both systems.

After collecting and analyzing metadata from different services, Fluidinfo creates you a dashboard where you’ll see trending hashtags and URLs across your social networks. Just select Dashboard from the top-right menu to see it. You can also see what’s trending for others and their recent activity across networks, e.g., http://fluidinfo.com/user/aweissman.

We’ll connect other services in the coming weeks. We’d love to hear what you’d like integrated, so please email us at info@fluidinfo.com with suggestions. Also, drop us an email if you’d like to find out how we can glue your company’s systems together, or connect them to the social web, to surface trends, patterns of behavior or to enable analysis.

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