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more on flight costs

Continuing from the last post, let’s suppose fuel costs are constant across all airlines.

On my 6-hour Air Comet flight, I will be paying about $8/hr for fuel and $10/hr for everything else (not bad, seeing as I get to watch a couple of movies and eat a meal).

Going to Cheaptickets I see the next cheapest option is Air Lingus (not a direct route), who will charge me $450. So you’d be tempted to conclude that Air Lingus is 4 times more expensive than Air Comet. But… the price of the fuel is constant. That means I’m paying $400 for the trip in non-fuel costs, which would be roughly $65/hr if the flights were the same length (they’re not). So Air Lingus is actually more like 6.5 times as expensive as Air Comet. The cheapest US carrier (Delta in this case) will charge me $1,127 which would be more like $180/hr or 18 times as expensive as Air Comet (were the trips the same length, which they’re not).

All very non-scientific.

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