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One email a day

I’ve got my email inbox locked down so tightly that only one email made it through today. That’s down from several hundred a day just a few weeks ago.

All the email that doesn’t make it immediately into my inbox gets filed elsewhere. I deal with it all quickly – either deleting stuff (mailing lists), saving, or replying and then saving.

I’m spending way less time looking at my inbox wondering what I didn’t reply to in a list of a few thousand emails. That’s good. I’m spending less time blogging. I haven’t been on Twitter for ages.

In the productivity corner, I somehow managed (with help) to get a 3 meter whiteboard up here and onto the wall. It’s fantastic. I spend 2+ hours every morning talking with Estéve, drawing circles, lines, trees, and random scrawly notes. Today I sat talking to him in my chair while using my laser pointer (thanks Derek!) to point to things on the whiteboard. Ah, the luxury.

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