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Twittendipity: a chance interview with Robert Scoble

On Monday Tim O’Reilly posted a Twitter tweet suggesting to Robert Scoble that he contact me while in Barcelona.

First off, Tim is very generous in doing this. He’s ultra connected and he spends a significant amount of his time in Twitter pointing things out, connecting people, and re-tweeting stuff he finds interesting. Re-tweeting is really important because when you tweet you only reach the people who are already following you. But when someone re-tweets you, you reach new people who likely have no idea of your existence. And when Tim does the re-tweeting there can be a big impact. 24 hours after his message to Robert I had 50 new followers. Tim explicitly tries to help people doing things he finds interesting, but who have just a small number of Twitter followers. He filters and amplifies information, broadcasting it out to his 16,000+ followers. Robert was in a hotel about 10 minutes’ walk from my place and I had no idea. A mutual friend in California noticed and took a minute to connect us. That’s really something, and it perfectly illustrates some of the value of Twitter.

I met Robert yesterday afternoon and we spent 6 hours together. It was great. You can see at once why he’s been so successful: he’s smart, he’s thoughtful, he’s sympathetic, and he’s a careful listener. I had no idea what to expect, and seeing as what we’re building can take some time to sink in, I wondered what sort of an audience he’d be.

After we’d climbed around up in the Sagrada Familia (official site, wikipedia), Robert came back to my place to see a demo of the things I’d been describing. We sat down and he pulled out his cell phone and asked if he could film me. I didn’t really think about it and said of course. It didn’t dawn on me that we were doing an informal interview, and I was totally unprepared – which is probably a good thing.

In the end we filmed 4 segments: parts one, two, three, and four. There’s also been some discussion here on Robert’s FriendFeed page.

So if you’ve been wondering what we’re building in here, go watch the videos.

I had no idea all this was about to come down. The Fluidinfo web site (a generous word) was a single page with no contact information, no nuthin’. We simply haven’t needed a web site of any description yet. I went and added a box so you can sign up to receive news of the alpha launch.

And then there was this, posted on Twitter, and which I have absolutely no shame in reproducing (this is a blog, after all):

Wow, what @terrycojones showed me last night (a new kind of database that he’s been workng on for 11 years) blew me away. Uploading vids now

Now I have to put my head back down with Esteve to get the alpha out the door ASAP.

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12 Responses to “Twittendipity: a chance interview with Robert Scoble”

  1. It’s great that your efforts finally receive some deserved recognition. Way to go! Hopefully it’ll last more than fifteen minutes… ;-)

  2. It’s great that your efforts finally receive some deserved recognition. Way to go! Hopefully it’ll last more than fifteen minutes… ;-)

  3. Terry

    Well done, mate.

    I particularly agree with your statement in video 2 that database purists don’t like what you and Dave Semeria from LM and others (and me! :) are doing.

    I’ll put up a blog post today about how I structured my eav db, and some thoughts behind it.

    (Now all I need to do is to get Robert to fly to Australia and interview me! lol)


  4. Terry

    Well done, mate.

    I particularly agree with your statement in video 2 that database purists don’t like what you and Dave Semeria from LM and others (and me! :) are doing.

    I’ll put up a blog post today about how I structured my eav db, and some thoughts behind it.

    (Now all I need to do is to get Robert to fly to Australia and interview me! lol)


  5. Hey Terry,

    Beyond the neat stuff you are doing it was really nice to hear about another person spending multi-man years building something he really wants and is passionate about.

    Can’t wait to see the alpha,


  6. Hey Terry,

    Beyond the neat stuff you are doing it was really nice to hear about another person spending multi-man years building something he really wants and is passionate about.

    Can’t wait to see the alpha,


  7. Hi Brad and Christopher

    Thanks! We have to put our heads down now and get an alpha out the door in the next few months. Having (finally) a bit of attention is really nice. Now I just have to ignore it :-)


  8. Hi Brad and Christopher

    Thanks! We have to put our heads down now and get an alpha out the door in the next few months. Having (finally) a bit of attention is really nice. Now I just have to ignore it :-)


  9. nice video! great effort!

  10. nice video! great effort!

  11. Hi Marin – thanks! And thanks for watching too.

  12. Hi Marin – thanks! And thanks for watching too.