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Twittering from inside emacs

I do everything I can from inside emacs. Lately I’ve been thinking a bit about the Twitter API and social graphs.

Tonight I went and grabbed python-twitter, a Python API for Twitter. Then I wrote a quick python script to post to Twitter:

import sys
import twitter
twit = twitter.Api(username='terrycojones', password='xxx',

and an equally small emacs lisp function to call it:

(defun tweet (mesg)
  (interactive "MTweet: ")
  (call-process "tweet" nil 0 nil mesg))

so now I can M-x tweet from inside emacs, or simply run tweet from the shell.

Along the way I wrote some simple emacs hook functions to tweet whenever I visited a new file or switched into Python mode. I’m sure that’s not so interesting to my faithful Twitter followers, but it does raise interesting questions. I also thought about adding a mail-send-hook function to Twitter every time I send a mail (and to whom). Probably not a good idea.

You can follow me in Twitter. Go on, you know you want to.

Anyway, Twitter is not the right place to publish information like this. Something more general would be nicer…

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