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Can’t stand perl

I’ve just spent the last 7 hours working on a bunch of old Perl code that maintains a company equity plan. It’s been pain, pain, pain the whole way. I can’t believe I ever thought Perl was cool and fun. I can’t believe I wrote that stuff. I can’t believe it’s almost midnight.

But, I’m nearly done.

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4 Responses to “Can’t stand perl”

  1. If there’s one single thing that I really love about Perl is Lingua::Romana::Perligata:

    you cannot get geeker than this :-)

  2. If there’s one single thing that I really love about Perl is Lingua::Romana::Perligata:

    you cannot get geeker than this :-)

  3. You won’t be done until you rewrite it in a saner language; it will haunt you until you do.

    A journey through languages

  4. You won’t be done until you rewrite it in a saner language; it will haunt you until you do.

    A journey through languages