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iPod vending machine

iPod vending machineHere’s an iPod vending machine I just passed on Concourse A in the Atlanta airport. It also offers a variety of other audio components, like headphones from Harman Kardon and Bose, laptop chargers, digital cameras (including 2 models more advanced than the one I just bought), etc. I didn’t check on the prices, which are only available on the LCD screen you see the couple using.

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3 Responses to “iPod vending machine”

  1. Awesome!

    Wondering if Nokia has something similar here in Finland ;)


  2. Awesome!

    Wondering if Nokia has something similar here in Finland ;)


  3. Damn – imagine if it was cheaper than the apple store? Also i wonder if you could bump it and get two like you can with candy vending machines. Although i would be gutted if your ipad got stuck and didnt come out :)