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Giants in the Born!

Giants dancingAnother day, another great sight in the Born.

I was sitting here 15 minutes ago when I became aware of lots of drumming and piping outside. I tossed up whether to go down and film some of it, given that I’ve recently been posting a few things from the Born and it might be getting repetitive. I’m glad I did though, because the giants were out.

I’ve seen these giants dozens and dozens of times over the years in Barcelona, but I’m still not sick of them at all. I find them somehow majestic and solemn, and I love watching them parade down an old street bobbing up and down to the music, doing courtship dances, and spinning around. There’s also lots of variety. Sometimes you’ll see at least a hundred of them out for a special occasion.

Have a look at the video. It’s very impressive live. I hope some of that comes across in these few short clips. You have to wait until about 2 minutes in before the giants start moving and dancing.

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2 Responses to “Giants in the Born!”

  1. They’re wonderful! (And seeing Findus is a bonus.) Why are the females so masculine-looking? I love that they’re carrying purses.
    If you’d pan slower, I could look for pickpockets in the crowd.

  2. They’re wonderful! (And seeing Findus is a bonus.) Why are the females so masculine-looking? I love that they’re carrying purses.
    If you’d pan slower, I could look for pickpockets in the crowd.